Amadou, a year old kid was on march 4 diagnosed with a potentially life threatening inguinal hernia ( condition in which soft tissue bulges through a weak point in the abdominal muscles).

This condition required immediate surgery but the family could not afford it due to lack of medical insurance and means of livelihood.
The disease was discovered in Adamou during a free medical sensitization done by Hope For Better Future and her partners in Mogni.

Mogni is a rural community in the Noun division of the West region of Cameroon that harbours some internally displaced persons from the crisis affected North West and South West regions of country and partly inhabited by the minority mbororo indigenes.
A crowd funding that helped Amadou get an operation
Concerned by the situation, H4BF rallied some supporters who raised the totality of the amount required to do the surgery via a crowd funding drive.

“We are marvelled by the promptness of the contribution and very indebted to our supporters who showed love to Adamou. Because of you all, Adamou can now smile” noted Ngo Banfogha, CEO of H4BF.
On April…Adamou successfully underwent a successful surgery at the Chanas Medical outfit in Foumbot.

The doctors opted for an open surgery to repair the Inguinal hernia.
“Since my son left the hospital, he has continued to keep a broad smile. He look much healthier now.We cannot thank the public enough for their donations and we will always be grateful to them. I hope they know that their kindness has changed Adamiu’s entire life” said the mother in tears of joy while taking to the Humanitarian Watch.

This initiative is part of H4BF mobile clinic program where medical teams are sent to consult and treat the isolated and vulnerable population as well as to newly displaced populations especially those in the crisis areas of Cameroon.