
H4BF Coop. BOD Closes Gaps In Cooperative Bookkeeping & Financial Management

H4BF Cooperative (a sustainability activity of the organization) BOD and member farmers recently benefited from the restitution of training on Cooperative Record Keeping and Financial management. This restitution was intended… Continue reading H4BF Coop. BOD Closes Gaps In Cooperative Bookkeeping & Financial Management

H4BF empowering women through renewable energy training, start up materials

In Cameroon where only 13% of the rural population have access to electricity, Hope For a Better Future, a development non-governmental organization is emerging as a beacon of hope. Carbon… Continue reading H4BF empowering women through renewable energy training, start up materials

Pupils And The Entire Population Jubilate As Water Catchment Rehabilitation Project In Didango Yields Anticipated Results

Pupils and the entire population Jubilate As Water Catchment Rehabilitation Project In Didango Yields Anticipated Results: It was on a glorious morning during a short break as pupils of “Ecole… Continue reading Pupils And The Entire Population Jubilate As Water Catchment Rehabilitation Project In Didango Yields Anticipated Results

Take Action with us On Gender Base Violence (GBV)

Greetings to you. Hope this finds you well. Gender-based violence (GBV) is a grave human rights violation that can cause long-term and life-threatening injury and trauma to victims/survivors. It is… Continue reading Take Action with us On Gender Base Violence (GBV)

(H4BF) joins partner organizations to kick-start the 16 Days of Activism Against GBV in Bamenda

Hope for a Better Future (H4BF) joins partner organizations to kick-start the 16 Days of Activism Against GBV in Bamenda this Tuesday 26th November 2019. In a very spectacular and… Continue reading (H4BF) joins partner organizations to kick-start the 16 Days of Activism Against GBV in Bamenda

Agriculture, food security and nutrition share a common entry point

Agriculture, food security and nutrition share a common entry point: “food.” In order to solve the problem of food security and undernourishment, farmers, especially small holder farmers in rural areas… Continue reading Agriculture, food security and nutrition share a common entry point

We need Your Donations

We often get asked, “What’s the best way to help?” Our answer is simple: You don’t  need to fly to Cameroon, Africa or work with us at  the office. In… Continue reading We need Your Donations

Affordable sources of energy to rural communities in Cameroon.

There is a lack of energy in certain isolated rural areas in Cameroon and in the whole Africa. Access to electricity improves the way of living of the people. It… Continue reading Affordable sources of energy to rural communities in Cameroon.

H4BF extends need assessments tour to Noun Division, West Region, Cameroon

#H4BF on a need assessment tour in Noun Division, West Region. Cameroon with Major local partner #rdfcameroom.

H4BF takes the lead in creating awareness on one of the pertinent environmental issue faced by the world today-“Air Pollution”

Beat Air Pollution9 out of 10 people breathe polluted air and approximately 7 million people worldwide die prematurely each year from air pollution.On June 5, every year, @unenvironment government agencies,… Continue reading H4BF takes the lead in creating awareness on one of the pertinent environmental issue faced by the world today-“Air Pollution”