
H4BF ensures children understand why their normal lives are being so drastically restricted and what they can do to protect themselves, their family and their friends from COVID 19.

Recent World Health Organization reports warn that COVID-19 is spreading at an alarming rate in rural areas of Africa and urges help as a need to strengthen the continent’s fragile… Continue reading H4BF ensures children understand why their normal lives are being so drastically restricted and what they can do to protect themselves, their family and their friends from COVID 19.

Parents Volunteer and caregivers Support Water Rehabilitation Project in Didango Village

Parents and caregivers Volunteer to Support Water Rehabilitation Project in Didango Village. The initiative was grounded by H4BF in partnership with RDF Cameroon to rehabilitate the water catchment and enhance… Continue reading Parents Volunteer and caregivers Support Water Rehabilitation Project in Didango Village

Take Action with us On Gender Base Violence (GBV)

Greetings to you. Hope this finds you well. Gender-based violence (GBV) is a grave human rights violation that can cause long-term and life-threatening injury and trauma to victims/survivors. It is… Continue reading Take Action with us On Gender Base Violence (GBV)

(H4BF) joins partner organizations to kick-start the 16 Days of Activism Against GBV in Bamenda

Hope for a Better Future (H4BF) joins partner organizations to kick-start the 16 Days of Activism Against GBV in Bamenda this Tuesday 26th November 2019. In a very spectacular and… Continue reading (H4BF) joins partner organizations to kick-start the 16 Days of Activism Against GBV in Bamenda

H4BF takes the lead in creating awareness on one of the pertinent environmental issue faced by the world today-“Air Pollution”

Beat Air Pollution9 out of 10 people breathe polluted air and approximately 7 million people worldwide die prematurely each year from air pollution.On June 5, every year, @unenvironment government agencies,… Continue reading H4BF takes the lead in creating awareness on one of the pertinent environmental issue faced by the world today-“Air Pollution”

Today, we join the rest of the world to celebrate #WorldEnvironmentDay with the theme; #BeatAirPollution.

Today, we join the rest of the world to celebrate #WorldEnvironmentDay with the theme; #BeatAirPollution. It is “our day” to do something to take care of the Earth and that “something” can be… Continue reading Today, we join the rest of the world to celebrate #WorldEnvironmentDay with the theme; #BeatAirPollution.

H4BF recognize Hand Up Rotary Canada, for positively changing lives in Cameroon.

We are proud to recognize Hand Up Rotary Canada, for positively changing lives in Cameroon. Thank you #YaoubaIbrahim representative for Cameroon for helping us deliver the gift, through you Cameroon have been… Continue reading H4BF recognize Hand Up Rotary Canada, for positively changing lives in Cameroon.

H4BF features in the Median Newspaper

Thanks to the #TheMedianNewspaper for recognizing our work.#Youths4Inclusivedialoque#MusicAboveFighting#DialogueAboveJudgement#Tolerance4Peace#PeaceInPeaceOut#meditations

H4BF plant a tree to commemorate International day of Peace

Human Activities from pollution to over population are driving up the worlds temperature, Climate change have consequences for our oceans, weather, food sourceand our health. – Water levels are rising… Continue reading H4BF plant a tree to commemorate International day of Peace

H4BF again features in groundswell News.


H4BF again features in groundswell News. A UK base magazine.#H4BF#groundswellNews#ClimateAction#Internationadayofpeace