Hope for a Better Future (H4BF) joins partner organizations to kick-start the 16 Days of Activism Against GBV in Bamenda this Tuesday 26th November 2019.

In a very spectacular and dramatized manner the CBC #GBV Program’s Head during the commemoration and on behalf of all men, knelt and appologised to all women who have ever been/or are still victims of Gender Based Violence. In a bid to seek for solace as perpetrators of direct and indirect gender based violence (GBV) on behalf of all men, he solemnly asked for the women’s forgiveness. The exercise was so much saluted by the women for the sincerity and to show acceptance of apology, he was uplifted and embraced as a sign of forgiveness.

The ceremony was colourfully represented by all civil society organizations both local and international operating in the North West and Bamenda in particular, with H4BF actively present. H4BF was headed by the Founding Director himself, Mr. Ngo Abdoulai Banfogha.

This powerful and spectacular launch gave a spotlight and acted as a platform for most civil society organizations to showcase their activities especially those programs engaged on Gender Based Violence. It also acted as a connection between local organizations to give and gain awareness on the activities of other NGOs operating in the locality.

H4BF continues the week with a huge package of activities strategically designed with focus on GBV. Some of which encompass storytelling from victims, online campaigns, just to name a few.