As the crisis rocking the North West and the South West regions continue unabated, women continue to bear the brunt.
Women’s rights activists and civil society partners have flagged increasing reports of Gender based violence as the crisis rage and have and have warned that if nothing is done urgently, thousands of IDP women and girls will be left without any life-saving assistance to recover from GBV and rebuild their lives.

It’s as a result of this, H4BF has decided to open a Women/Girls Empowerment Center in Nkambe, Donga Mantung Division North West region of Cameroon. This center will enable displaced women, returnees and host communities to get together and discuss issues affecting them and use the center as a place to conduct their income generating activities (IGA) and get informal education on numerals.
The center will also provide specialized Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) case management and reintegration of IDPs, GBV and sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA). H4BF after training staffs at the center on GBV case management to improve the quality of lifesaving GBV service provision. They have better knowledge on the use of the GBV referral pathways to ensure safe referral of survivors of GBV to specialized services.