Our volunteer from the United Kingdom, Dan Blackman has ended his two months volunteering at H4BF.
During his stay, he accompanied us in all our interventions especially in field works.

Dan is a graduate of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and will in the coming days start work at the UK Health Security Agency as an Epidemiology and Information Analyst.
His area of interest is infectious disease epidemiology. Dan has a special interest in mobile clinics and that’s why he accompanied H4BF to #Mogni #Foumbot where the population of the area especially the mbororo minority was consulted of some diseases and those diagnosed given free medication.

In an impromptu farewell in his favour, the Director of H4BF thanked Dan for braving the odds to come despite the crisis in the region.
In response, Dan appreciated H4BF for hosting him, for the hospitality and said the objectives of the organization ties very much with his interest.