H4BF and partners today engaged into another phase of their outreach and relief program to intensify the sensitization of some targeted vulnerable families on the severity and dangers of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This outreach program that has been ongoing in other neighbourhoods, this time exclusively targeted some 30-female headed displaced family’s resident around the Center-bolt neighborhood in Nkwen, Bamenda.
Out of 270,000 vulnerable refugees from the Central African Republic and the ongoing socio-political crisis in the North West and South West (NWSW) regions in Cameroon, majority (52%) internally displaced persons (IDPs) are women and children.
The displaced communities have acute needs for protection, food, shelter/NFI, water and sanitation as well as access to health and education. Various assessments have revealed that most of the humanitarian needs have a direct impact on women and girls’ protection against Gender Based Violence (GBV)
COVID 19 Situation
With children out of school and communities locked down, and the recession biting deeper as a result of the COVID-19 predicament, such vulnerable families in an exceptional way, have been experiencing rising levels of family stress especially at the level of food shortages and even hygiene.
Beneficiaries were sensitized on the severity and the dangers of the COVID-19 and very essentially, the modalities to mitigate the spread of this deadly pandemic through basic hygiene like the constant and effectively washing of hands, wearing of masks, as well social distancing making sure these factors were well simplified and the context related to their exemplary society.
The women were also notified on the symptoms, and the immediate precautions to take in case they realise a suspected case.
30 displaced female headed families benefited from some food items such as several kilograms of Rice, Mushrooms, Litres of cooking oil as well as packets of detergents. The food items were intended to help support they’re during the pandemic lock down, as well the detergent to intensify their domestic hygiene.
This phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic outreach project was successfully implemented Hope for a Better Future and Partners, thanks to Pollination Grant (TTP), who funded the project through our Agricultural Project Program’s Manager, #BisonaSolange. Our recipients will forever be grateful for your kind hearten gesture and Goodwill.
Don’t just take our words for it – have a look at the story in our Donation Page from the last few weeks. We can promise you, it is a miracle to behold. Small amounts of money really can make the difference between hope and despair.
Take some time to read through to the end and if you feel inspired, then please, dust off that credit card and press DONATE.
100% of our Emergency Fund goes immediately and directly to beneficiaries, we are a determine team of volunteers with focal points around communities in Cameroon ready to assist your charity/donation to the real persons in need and to limit the spread of #covid19 in Cameroon.
Thank you so much,