Hope for a Better future (H4BF) has officially opened her Vocational Training Center (HOBEFI) in Baffousam, promising to prepare Cameroon’s workforce for the future of work through rigorous training in the application of emerging innovations to solve the country’s economic and social challenges.
Hope for a Better Future Vocational Training Institute (HOBEFI) with authorization from Ministry of Employment and Vocational with registration Number 09/ADDA/MINEFOP/SG/DREFOP-OU/DDEFOP-MIFI, Cameroon is in partnership with Master Peace International, Turing Foundation and Noorderpoort

The training centre, located at Carrefour Maitre Mbopda along highway to Carrefour St Thomas from Fue rouge, is furnished with the latest innovative equipment, smart energy solutions and equipment to provide practical-orientated training courses in Renewable Energy, Information Technology (Computer Networking & Maintenance, App Development, Web Development, Database Management and Graphic Design), agro-pastoral agriculture, and Fashion and Design.

Main focus is on educating the vulnerable youth especially young girls and those displaced from North West and South West due to the ongoing crisis. This program will train them with skills needed in an upcoming market with growth potential. Out of the 300 young people to be trained within 3 years, 250 will inserted into the job market, among them at least 50 will be employed in new jobs created (formal/informal).

With anticipated 60% beneficiaries being survivors of gender-based violence (GBV), the center through trained staffs and social workers will also provide GBV case managements to survivors of GBV especially young girls.
H4BF and her Partners seek to create perspective, as their deep belief is that the lack of perspective is a root cause of polarization, extremism and migration.
Registration are ongoing, to benefit, visit www.hobefi.org

H4BF is a movement(nonprofit) of women, men, allies, and partners who care about the well-being of people and the planet. It was created in 2009 to meet up with the development challenges facing rural communities in Cameroon. It has an initial mission to create more opportunities for inclusive growth and poverty reduction so as to enhance sustainable development in Cameroon. After the crisis started in Cameroon, we saw the need of updating the mission as: “To provide humanitarian assistance in crisis situations including famine, disaster, natural disasters, armed conflicts and to contribute to sustainable development within communities in Cameroon in order to help people acquire their own autonomy”.