Many IDP and host community households within Nkambe do not have access to electricity or have a limited electricity supply. This affects the quality of life of people and as a result people are forced to seek alternative sources of fuel for their activities. Women purchase candles, kerosene and pay some money to charge their phones, while children do revision at night using candles, all these deter effectiveness and safety.

During the month of March, H4BF with funding from Jac Trust distributed 115 solar lamps targeting vulnerable IDPS and host families within Nkambe in Donga Mantung Division.

We promote the use of renewable energy in households to help vulnerable IDP and host community families. This distribution will benefit over 350 individuals to help prevent gender-based violence and keep families safer at night. The solar lamps will be used for educational benefits as kids will be able to study at night, and improve safety conditions given that they are safer than kerosene lamps which can cause fire and emits green-house gases during combustion which are leading causes of climate change.

Beneficiaries were selected based on standard vulnerability criteria targeting child and women headed households, households with persons living with disabilities, Internally Displaced Persons, single parent headed households etc.
We are indeed very grateful for these solar lamps. Having one solar lamp will save me 500frs weekly and I will live with assurance of the fact that my children will always do their homework says a beneficiary in Nkambe.
We are indeed very grateful for these solar lamps. Having one solar lamp will save me 500frs weekly and I will live with assurance of the fact that my children will always do their homework says a beneficiary in Nkambe.